Laying the Foundation: The Basics of Oregon and Washington Construction Law

In this presentation, we address the basics of the law, including statutes of limitation and repose, the standards to which construction companies and professionals are held in claims of negligent construction, and the insurers’ duties to defend and indemnify, as well as pragmatic approaches to claims handling and solutions to common problems that may arise.  It is vital for insurance adjusters to understand the potential liability of their construction customers and the insurers’ responsibilities in order to properly evaluate and resolve those claims.

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Smith Freed Eberhard Patner Mike Staskiews discusses the fundamentals of Construction Defect law, best practices and approaches to claims handling in Oregon and Washington. In this one hour presentation, Mike will discuss:

  • Liability claims and the duties to defend and indemnify
  • Additional Insurance concerns and solutions
  • Bad faith and new product claims
  • Legal updates in Oregon and Washington

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